Somebody Else’s House?
February 13, 2023
Have you ever entered a home and felt like it was a stage set? Modern or traditional, a home where the furniture pieces were placed like props and the design of a room or the decor was a knockoff of an interior by Chip and Joanna Gaines? It happens.
Most folks don’t know how to set up a room to its best advantage or place furniture, and so they copy what they’ve seen on the soaps, the sitcoms or reality TV. Call it design by example. It’s a cookie cutter approach, and it doesn’t work. Every home is different and we, as humans, have different emotional needs expressed by the way we live.
Some like it neat. Others like—let’s just say, casual. I had an older sister once who could not abide angles unless they were 90 degrees. Room layouts for her had to be laid out like geometric English gardens, in perfect symmetry. Here’s where the pros come in. Never hesitate
to ask for help from people who know the business of design, not only procuring quality goods, but how to make them and you look your best.
Sit-com sets are designed for camera angles and close-ups, hardly the best criteria for building a room you can live in and love. So here’s this month’s message: If you need us, we’re here, approaching 50 years in the business and going strong, making life beautiful.
Just ask.