
Color your way out of the Winter doldrums

February 06, 2025


Despite all the change in our modern world, home is always where the


heart lives. Homeowners seek ways to light up their interiors with contemporary solutions to making more space, finding comfort, and adding warmth and color to every room.

A fresh coat of paint can change the context of all you own, making the old seem new again. The buzz word in the paint market right now is “undertones.” Like an Old Master, a great painting is built on undertones which soften the harshness of a white canvas and allow the artist to build the highlights up.

Our walls and ceilings can serve as the backdrop for the design of our rooms as well. They can offer color, but it can stay secondary, a way to establish mood and tone. Then, you can go to work, and become the artist who repeats, contrasts and has fun with the colors you select. By adding a rug or great artwork, you can bring a room to life. Or, put some color in your furniture and see what happens. Drama is all in how you make it.

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Happy Holidays

December 03, 2024


During the holiday season, homeowners throughout Colorado enjoy adding festive designs and decorations to the outside and inside of dwellings, however they live, whatever style the architecture. The urge to add light to the long winter nights further makes this season the most dazzling. Plus, bringing the outside in with branches and greens is one sure way to stay connected to nature during the colder temperatures. The message during this month is always about gifting, or giving. The joy of giving is certainly greater than receiving. Taking care of others, even those we don’t know, confirms our humanity. It’s what sets us apart. I like to think the greatest luxury is giving from the heart; giving when you really can’t afford to, but do so anyway.

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Discovering Good Design

September 20, 2024

I have to admit it is fun to watch a younger generation discover good design. Today’s “moderns” are drawn to furniture that speaks for itself, and that instantly make a house a home. Over and over, Gen Z clients find themselves drawn to modern classics, those enduring chairs, tables and sofas that have been in demand over 50 years. It’s a starting point that has no end and a great place to start at that. From there, they often come to us.

In fact, when it comes to modern living, and that means lifestyle, (not the architecture of the house you live in) good design makes all the difference. We are talking about space-planning, surface materials and furnishings. For those who care, it’s a lifelong passion and an education.

Last year I had the pleasure of writing photo captions for a remarkable architect in Boulder (Laura Schaeffer) who is hired primarily to take vintage properties and give them a new life. She has a deep understanding of the way people live today and, without destroying the building’s original intent, breathes new energy into tired spaces. I learned a lot analyzing her work. I was always glad to see fine furniture pieces complete the story. Over and over, good design matters.

Our showroom is filled with the best of the best from Italy and beyond, places where design is as important as food. Come in and see what’s new. It will whet your appetite.

Color or Neutral

July 31, 2024


Summer is flying by, and the heat is driving Coloradoans inside their homes. If you’re lucky, you’re staying cool by design- thick walls, lots of shade, plus light and airy furnishings that don’t make you sweat. That’s how to beat these high-temperature days. You know it won’t last…with school starting soon and fall around the corner; enjoy every pleasure of summer while you can. We’ve been trend-watching and are pleased to see how everything old is new again. Natural materials and pale neutrals are making a comeback. The message is ‘lighten up”, hang loose and zone-in. (Or out.)

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Summer Is here

June 21, 2024


Summer has barely begun and all around the house, you can feel the

3740929.jpg#asset:5685photo from

beauty of the season through color and light. It’s all about bringing nature’s designs inside—floral bouquets, fresh greens, perhaps new furniture arrangements, especially on the patio. In spite of the heat, we’re drawn outside. It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy. But for those of us who shun the sun and prefer to stay indoors where it’s shaded and cool, thoughts turn to comfort while we relax and wait for temperatures to lower. I know we do; we love relaxing inside with the cool feel of leather in the summer and welcome

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Don't forget the furniture makes the room.

April 06, 2024


Just the other day I watched a program on home remodeling on HGTV. The interior designers, a husband and wife, renovated a vintage midtown building into a modern living space. The upper story had once been a theater and recreation area with gym-like floors; a retail store filled the street level. They did a stunning job of space-planning to create a livable loft but when it came to the furniture, they cut corners by having two eight-foot sofas custom built. These were essentially two, wooden, coffin-like shells filled with segmented seat and back pillows in a white, nubby fabric. They looked chic and streamlined, but I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable they were. Nothing more than benches really. Making furniture is an art. Making furniture that’s comfortable and lasts is a matter of good design and special technology.

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Color Pop!

March 19, 2024


This eye-catching living room proves what can happen when combining imagination and courage with color— an environment that never stops emitting warmth and good vibrations! With furnishings and a color-scheme based on chromatic opposites, the owners of this contemporary home have created an interior layout strong enough to hold the viewer’s interest at eye level and keep it moving, even in a lofty, double-volume space.

Kudos to our sophisticated customers who each had different perspectives but also a keen vision of the eventual goal. They not only followed their instincts but, with the help of our resident designer Gail who listened to their ideas, and other members of team ZOLi who helped guide the final selections, they were able to customize exactly what they had envisioned to glorious success.

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Here It Comes Again…

January 05, 2024


Design, like fashion, rolls around from yesterday to today, with recurring


themes in furniture and color. Modern ideas are loosely based on previous ones from the past, making everything vintage seem new again. All you have to do is look at the new pantone color of the year, an earthy nugget of a color called “Peach Fuzz.” Think adobe or terra cotta in another era—Whatever you call it, it’s an earth tone that pairs nicely with brown and gray, plus accents of green and rust.

Brown is the big news out of New York’s Design Center- in cabinetry, case goods and furniture. It’s paired with pinks and olive greens. If you’re old enough to remember, then I can ask the reader “Can the 70s be far behind? “

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Dreaming of Spring

December 14, 2023


It might be winter in mid-December but for some of us, our hearts

evonne.JPG#asset:5578are filled with dreams of spring. A modern solution to the grey skies might be to project a beach movie in some tropical clime on your flat screen TV, but we think filling your home with the colors of the tropics would do just as well. Surrounding our interiors and layering our furniture with bright accents and pops of color helps to bring light and warmth around faster than you can say April. It might seem odd to get ahead of ourselves with the major winter holidays just around the corner, but since Christmas has been on the shelves since October, I am ready for a change of scenery.

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Color My World

November 01, 2023


You’d think a topic like color might have been discussed to death by every

DOMINO-GIALLO.jpg#asset:5645design magazine, home furnishings advice column, or interior decorator, and in many ways, it has. Color trends come and go. A new “color of the year” shows up every January. Color schemes are re-engineered and recombined endlessly; it seems like everyone has an opinion. Fashion has a big influence and textile manufacturers are quick to jump on whatever fashion dictates. How does a consumer figure it all out?

Here’s what we think. Color has power. It can stimulate or soothe. It can create feelings of warmth or give you a chill. It has regional links, and a kinship with the environment. It can make a person feel happy or sad. Color affects or mood, our mind and our behavior. So we respect the color choices we make, knowing that they in turn will affect our customers. At the time of this writing, a brilliant tangerine-orange sectional holds center stage on our showroom floor. It’s a work of art.

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Fall is in the Air

September 12, 2023


Once the nights begin to cool down it’s so easy to begin entertaining inside. Somehow the comforts of home, our most loved furnishings, and the very design of life call us in a different way in the Fall. It’s the time for reconnecting with all we hold dear; a time to cozy up and enjoy the celebrations of the season, the richness and bounty of the harvest.

For some of us it’s also about the simplicity of living well. Really, we don’t need much. Once we do get rid of the clutter, it’s remarkable how we can live more freely and feel better too. Opening up space is like that; the less we are buried with the unnecessary, the more we can expand spiritually. Spaces are what we make of them. Personally, I love the space around beautiful things. I like to see their profiles and their lines. Good furniture requires space to be appreciated. Maybe that’s what makes contemporary design so exciting; it’s more about creating space than filling it.

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Pretty in Pink

August 04, 2023

A view of The Barbie Way CuldeSac with a painted backdrop of the San Jacinto Mountains beyond.Everybody’s talking about Barbie, the movie and the wonder doll, that impossibly- built, adult female doll designed with super-long legs, who lives in a pink dream house with


pink furniture, and represents, loosely, everything and anything a young girl might become or wish to be. In fact, everything Barbie loves is pink, from her furnishings to her car, right down to her pink toenail polish.

They key word here is house. Even film producers realize how a home is an extension of ourselves, of our likes and passions. We know that every home can be a dream house, based on the way you want to live. We might not have a pink sofa on the floor at the moment, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t.

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New products June 2023

June 14, 2023


It seems like yesterday when the team headed off to Milan to

Sofa-Picture.PNG#asset:5577search for new designs for your home, exciting furniture for our growing European collection, and more. The orders have been filled and most products are starting their journey to Colorado. Soon the showroom will be filled with the newest ideas in seating, lighting and accessories; all the elements that create harmony and comfort where you live. Lots of us are working from home and comfort is a big idea. It might mean more space, more efficiency and definitely, aesthetics.

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And They're Off

April 08, 2023

Not to the races, but to the Mecca of modern furniture and design, Milano !


Yes, our management team, fearless owner A. Brown and courageous manager Tony Jennings are the dream team when it comes to searching out the finest goods for your home—all things beautiful, well made and worthy of your attention.

The latest word from Milan is a look back at nature (never far behind) and playful seating that’s allot like efficient geometry. Sectionals seem like board games with pieces you can play with. Light fixtures bubble up to the ceiling. The mood is playful in this difficult time when the world needs some levity and comfort. These images are just two of the latest from design news in Italy.

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Somebody Else’s House?

February 13, 2023

Have you ever entered a home and felt like it was a stage set? Modern or traditional, a home where the furniture pieces were placed like props and the design of a room or the decor was a knockoff of an interior by Chip and Joanna Gaines? It happens.

Most folks don’t know how to set up a room to its best advantage or place furniture, and so they copy what they’ve seen on the soaps, the sitcoms or reality TV. Call it design by example. It’s a cookie cutter approach, and it doesn’t work. Every home is different and we, as humans, have different emotional needs expressed by the way we live.

Some like it neat. Others like—let’s just say, casual. I had an older sister once who could not abide angles unless they were 90 degrees. Room layouts for her had to be laid out like geometric English gardens, in perfect symmetry. Here’s where the pros come in. Never hesitate

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Happy New Year!

December 27, 2022

It’s the holidays! As peace spreads its wings, let it be known that we cherish the many ways our customers


have brought us into their homes where our furniture provides the perfect environment for making memories. At this special time of the year where people gather together to honor long held traditions, the home is their sanctuary and its design and décor a way to express their love of the season. Whether it’s a tree shining with ornaments or a candelabra marking the nights of Hanukkah, light is the theme and kindness to others its expression.

Meanwhile, Pantone, the color giant in the design and textile industry, has just released their color of the year for 2023. Described as a “nuanced crimson red tone,” the color is “an unconventional shade for an unconventional time," according to the company. The color, Viva Magenta 18-1750,” vibrates with vim and vigor," or so reads their description.

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Holiday Cheer

November 08, 2022


As the most festive season of the year comes upon us, with

artena-dining-table-with-chairs.jpg#asset:5483Thanksgiving around the corner, our lives turn toward the comforts of home. It’s now when the furniture choices we’ve made prove themselves worthy of family gatherings, be it dining together or watching an afternoon football game. Our lives are defined by the way we relax and be our authentic selves. Our favorite spaces provide for letting go.

That must be why we’re still here, after almost 50 years, ZOLi has been searching for the right elements that make a house a home. We’ve been serving the metro community in so many ways, we’re proud to say we’re still answering the needs of our growing community. Every new container of European imports is unloaded with curated items, hand- selected for their beauty and durability.

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Fall is in the air

October 07, 2022


Fall is in full swing and everybody’s favorite holiday, Halloween,

Blue-bedroom_221007_102839.jpg#asset:5455is coming up fast. Do you decorate your home and furnishings with all the latest modern spooky decorations? Hang ghosts and goblins outside, but inside, don’t touch a thing? Maybe your home interior is wearing a mask, not expressing the real you any longer. It can happen. We can outgrow our home décor just the way we move through our closet—outgrowing clothes that no longer express who we are.

Here’s a check list that might alert you it’s time for a change:

1) Your furniture doesn’t have eye appeal any longer; colors and styles seem drab and out of date. 2)The comfort is gone; chairs and sofas sag,

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Milan Finally

August 12, 2022


Our team is back from the grand Fiera, the Milan furniture show,


and what a great time they had! They discovered new trends in modern designs that imagine the future. The leading companies are already anticipating the challenges that await them, from the need to rethink production as a broad sustainable and circular system all the way to immediate responses to current socio-cultural changes. You’ll have to wait until fall to see what’s coming in but those shipments aren’t too far away. We guarantee they will be exciting.

Meanwhile, now is the time to be thinking about completing or upgrading your dining room or living room. We’ve got a gallery full of beautiful choices in case goods

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Time for Buying

May 07, 2022


With spring weather all around and new leaves on the trees, brisk winds and warm sun, some of us here at ZOLi Contemporary Living are getting ready for the annual spring


trek to Europe where great furniture is born. Tony Jennings and Mr. Brown are starting to pack for their annual pilgrimage to Italy and the world’s largest contemporary home furnishings trade fair, the “Salone del Mobile” in Milan, Italy!

These two furniture pros actually travel halfway around the world to see the latest and most beautiful furniture, rugs, glass art, textiles, lighting and accessories to fill our galleries. They don’t just stay in Milan either, but travel to factories to see how things are made. It’s actually more of pilgrimage than a trip, a time when all their senses are focused on the best, the brightest and the most beautiful items in every category.

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February 09, 2022


a month synonymous with love, and why not? It’s what drives our modern way of

Red-Rialto.jpg#asset:5348life and makes us tick, an emotion as old as mankind and as fresh as next spring. Love is expressed in everything we do-- the way we design our homes, place our furniture, prepare our food and create great art. Making beautiful furniture is one of those artistic pursuits, perfected by those who love the world of aesthetics, functionality and balance plus comfort and performance as well. That’s what we love most about Italian furniture, especially the pieces found in our collection. Our showroom beauties are all of those things and more.

February brings to mind hearts and valentines and everything red—the color of heat, romance and “amour.” Red is a staple in our upholstery covers, leather or fabric. It makes the heart race faster and adds excitement to any room. Come see for yourself.

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New Year!!

December 27, 2021


With the coming of a new year comes hope and expectation, whether you’re thinking


about moving, buying new contemporary furniture, or redesigning your whole life. A new year does that to some people, bringing with it exciting changes, promises, resolutions and all.

We love the turning of the calendar to a new year because we are always trying to be prepared for the future. Just this past month a container brimming with exciting new goods for the floor arrived and was set in place, bringing you an array of new ideas in comfort, luxury and modern ways to live. We are ready for whatever lies ahead. It’s worth having a look for yourself. A rich palette of sumptuous neutrals in gorgeous leather seating offers smoky grays, warm whites, soft beiges

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Fall 2021

October 26, 2021

With fall winds and a sky full of falling leaves comes that instinctive urge to nestle in, turn away from our


madcap modern lives and hunker down in the coziest furniture in the house; that cushy chair or the pillowed chaise lounge. Before long we’ll be turning up the fire


and layering on our warmest sweaters to chase off the chill.

We love fall and so do our customers. It’s when life moves indoors again and we prepare ourselves for the long winter ahead; we order that great book we’ve been meaning to read, spread the blankets and comforters on our beds, and select the best of natural fall decor to add color and fragrance to our homes. Beyond cinnamon-scented pine cones and colorful Indian corn, or sturdy, orange pumpkins and miniature gourds, consider a branch or two of golden aspen, or any fall foliage

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Heading Back to Work? Or not?

July 19, 2021


In this post-COVID 19 era, where modern life still has to cope with evolving

Flero-desk-web.PNG#asset:5303versions of the virus, we need to hunker down and adapt more than ever. That said, our workspaces and the furniture that fills them help us do what matters most. Your workspace is an essential part of your comfort, your creativity and productivity, and your very sense of self. Even if your office is occasionally a tablet or laptop set up in some ad-hoc location for an onsite meeting, most of us return to our essential work place to regroup and move forward. For those who have a dedicated room in the house that is an office or studio, consider investing in task furniture that gets your motor running. A great desk, a great chair, storage furniture, a couch for that power nap, and anything else that guarantees you will get you best work done. Our new collection of desks and seating might be what you need.

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You Do You!!

June 22, 2021


A recent article on contemporary fashion (for the home or your closet) focused on the individual as the


current arbiter of what’s in and what’s out. That’s it-- it’s up to YOU. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about furniture or clothing, the message is clear- we all go our own way when it comes to the perfect interior or wardrobe. Mix and match or blend it all together, the choice is up to the user. This can be an awesome burden for some. Not everyone has the knack to pull it off; the exact look that’s best for them. But whether or not you put it all together on your own, or use a fashion consultant or interior designer to help, make no difference. The end result only has to please you. What a relief! Pre-cast fashion is gone

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The Mystery of Color Palettes

April 21, 2021

A recent press release from Benjamin Moore, the paint industry giant, got me thinking about how consumers are influenced in the


contemporary home furnishings market. It's done, in short, by changing colors and styles of furniture so that previous choices seem outdated or old-fashioned. For those of us in the


field of home design and interiors, we actually look to the consumer for inspiration, and in a sense, work backwards. Street wear, pop-culture, music, even food, influences the trends that translate into something we can see, touch and feel. The folks at Benjamin Moore look at a range of design influences like furniture, lighting, fabrics, home accessories and more for their annual selection—and then consider the relationship that paint and color has to each of them. Next, they incorporate art, from contemporary to classic, to help us see color pairings in a fresh, new light. Seeing how artists use color always energizes and inspires. Fashion, ever-changing, and consistently informed by color, is an expression of personality and style reflecting the moment. Environment too, factors in, since every setting offers its own unique natural landscape, distinct color palette and architectural traditions. Finally culture in general, including social trends, consumer sentiments, economics, and lifestyles affect the annual color palette selection

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March 16, 2021


It doesn't take much to get our wheels turning, especially when a customer calls and says "I am looking for something BOLD for my modern furniture


collection." (The capital letters are ours.) But how could they not be when we're talking about European contemporary home furnishings, simply one of the most fashionable, exciting categories of furniture product around.

What does bold man to you? Or better — to us?

We look for innovation, big ideas, new perspectives in the design of a product meant to be used for years. We don't care if it's wood, glass, stone or leather, it must integrate all its parts and be so well done it appears to have sprung fully formed from the hand of the designer. That's no easy feat. Junk piles everywhere are full of sagging couches, broken tables, and a myriad of cheap assemblies called furniture that are merely particle-board tinker-toys. The industry calls it "borax." A cheap commodity.

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Good bye 2020

January 09, 2021

Goodbye 2020 and good riddance. It's a new year and time to look ahead, think fresh contemporary thoughts and try not to linger in the


past. Remember those who dare not be forgotten, but forge ahead with a sense of purpose.

Do you ever look around and see your life in new terms? The trappings, furniture and objects that manifest who we are? Does that experience prompt a feeling of change? It


can and should. Due to COVID, even if we still cannot go anywhere, we can at least move things around. Have a new view. Most of us live in spaces that are familiar and personal. We work hard at arriving at a sense of balance and style. Sometimes however, we outgrow our spaces

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It's December

December 02, 2020

and that means showering our loved ones with all kinds of ways to show we care. Call me old-school, but in these fast-paced, modern


times, I like to make gifts that are handmade or fun to eat, or curl up in a comfy piece of furniture

Yellow-Face-Thumb.JPG#asset:4544and share some music or a great book with the ones I love. That said, there's also room for some dazzling contemporary gifts, the kind that anyone can live with for a lifetime, pass on to their kids, and never grow tired of.

Those are the kinds of gifts we offer. Maybe you didn't know: we're more than just a furniture showroom. So much more. If you've never seen our collection of glass sculptures from Murano, Italy or our Italian ceramic vases and bowls,

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November 19, 2020

We just heard the news that the new color for 2021 from Benjamin Moore is something modern color marketers call "Agean Green",

images-green-walls.jpg#asset:4540a lovely shade of blue-green subdued almost to a neutral. The ever-changing furniture industry is ripe with shifting trends designed to

2136-40.png#asset:4539attract new buyers and different age groups. Color schemes are just one way of doing so. Evoking a predominant color and applying it to contemporary fabrics, accessories and wall paint is one sure way to stimulate change

and interest, every single year! (Note: historic properties rely on established color schemes. No point changing those.) For pure staying power, as a design consultant I always like to stick with neutrals and set them off with bold accents. But I have to say this coming year's color caught my attention because I have been using it for

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Less is More

August 25, 2020

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and poet


I find it fascinating that the author of this profound quote is a French writer, the author of "Le Petit Prince, a


remarkable and endearing book about what matters most and how we take care of each other. Though the writer is not our contemporary, this undeniable viewpoint is as true today as when it was written back in 1940, a classic maxim on perfection that relates to the design of modern furniture, machinery, or interiors.

Perhaps that's what we look for when we seek the next acquisition for our collection; that which has harmony, functions as it should, and seems complete.

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August 01, 2020

In this modern age of turmoil and ambiguity, few things restore a sense of peace and order like the color white. Perhaps it sounds vague or esoteric, but it seems to be universally accepted that white brings serenity and even purity to our contemporary world. It feels clean,


healing, and almost antiseptic sometimes. It's even true when it comes to furniture and décor. Almost


nothing reduces anxiety like a room with the softest white on interior walls, or a blanket of white snow upon the earth seen through a window, or a cluster of white candles flickering holy flame. Once upon a time, white walls were served for institutions, hospitals and clinics. Those applications gave way to softer neutrals, easier on the eye. But who doesn't remember when actor Morgan Freeman played the divine

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Art for the Modern times

July 15, 2020


For those of us who love to travel, the times have surely changed. Going anywhere in this modern world means taking your life in your hands, if you can find a plane to take you there. For us, that means no furniture shows, no contemporary galleries of design to explore in far-off cities, no way to do what we do best which is to bring modern furniture to Denver. But of course, that hasn't stopped us. All our manufacturers are working with us via the Internet, and fresh goods are still being conceived and created and shipped to our door as time passes. For those of you who miss Paris and New York as we do, think

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Denver's Top Collection of All Things Modern

June 25, 2020


If you love contemporary design and all things that link to modernism, log onto the Kirkland Museum site and look at their current virtual tour of 100 items from their vast collection of over 4000 paintings, sculptures ceramics and furniture items by iconic artists and designers. The Kirkland is more than museum of decorative art; it's a bridge between the functional and the decorative,


between those things we need and those we love. In addition, it has an impressive collection of Colorado regional art, one that grows year by year. Vance Kirkland, (1926-1981) became the first director of the art department at

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YES We are open

June 10, 2020


In this modern world so full of division and strife, it seems like home has taken on a new meaning, and furniture has become our ally . It's a place where values are strengthened and respect is taught. It's where we work and love and play.

This reawakening of businesses all over town is bittersweet. Only when we don't see you do we realize how much our customers mean. You bring joy to our store. We know it's been too long and too quiet. But after all that's happened in the last few weeks, many of us feel a time of reflection was long overdue. We all need to do better. Now it's time to breathe in, exhale, and seek togetherness, friendship, respect and solace with friends and family. I know I've spent more time at home than ever before and am sensitive to how it comforts me. More than ever I appreciate how my favorite chair allows me to relax and regroup or pick up a book,

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Focal Points

February 19, 2020

It doesn't matter whether your style is traditional, contemporary, eclectic or anything else, certain rules about room design seem to apply no matter what.

abstract-gloss.PNG#asset:4299In the design world where Modernism dictates "less is more", a great room might be spacious and sparsely furnished, yet still have something that draws our eye to a focal point - a center of interest. It might be a painting on the wall or a great rug underfoot, or a grouping of furniture that brings us a sense of security and rest. It might be that very special antique or odd piece that stands alone, creating an accent for the rest of the space, one that quietly demands our attention. Whatever it is, a focal point is a great way to organize space. So, stand at the entry to your living or family room and ask yourself, "Is there a focal point here, or is everything of equal importance, screaming for our attention?"

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Color of the New Year!

January 03, 2020

With the new year, 2020, come so many fresh ideas and inspirations related to our modern world. Many of us respond viscerally to our very surroundings. If our furniture could speak, it might say "make me new again." And we're listening. It's as if spring can hardly wait to come bursting into our lives, full of color and spirit.  


It's no coincidence that the paint companies announce a new color of the year each January, as if last year's color wasn't fashionable anymore, or didn't reflect our current mood any longer. Perhaps they know more than we do. In our fast-moving contemporary life, filled with anxiety, danger, and often violence, the message might be to create a safe haven, a quiet peaceful retreat.

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Modernism-- The Latest Rage (or is it?)

September 10, 2019


Denver recently celebrated Modernism Week in late August,  time set aside to honor the over 6000 residences built in the area during the Modern Age  when key elements of design prevailed in architecture and design.  The term "modern" differs from contemporary in that refers to a period where certain ideas define the appearance of buildings and furnishings. Contemporary refers to the here and now, the advancing and ever-evolving interpretation of what living in the present day looks like and means to the user.

In the words of the Modernism Week organizers, "Denver and surrounding communities are fortunate to have had so many innovative modern architects, designers, and builders working here in the 1940s-70s, with a robust economy strong enough to support their efforts. There has long been appreciation for this cultural heritage by a small group of historians, enthusiasts, and others, but it has become clear that as more new people move to our city, and more generations are raised in the city with limited awareness of this unique period in time, building a greater cultural awareness of this design heritage is necessary. " We say bravo to that.

If you missed the event (tours and lectures) —don't despair. It's destined to become an annual. In essence,  the focus is on architecture designed by modernist architects and builders who were influenced by the Bauhaus School and the ideas of Frank Lloyd Wright which inspired the most cutting- edge buildings in the city primarily during the 1950s and ’60s. They're worth looking at.

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Colors of the Year 2019

February 11, 2019

According to the color pundits, 2019 is the year of  bold, saturated  color. As always, the latest color selections are a reflection of the country's outlook on life, the economy, and a mirror of our optimism, or lack of it.  Based on the latest reports,  things are looking up.

That said, why not see if you can deduct what was on the minds of these major tastemakers as they came up with the following decisions.:


Note- not to be off-trend, we are proud to say all these colors can be seen in the home furnishings and accessories in our showroom, right now!

Let's start with the neutral favored by Benjamin Moore, a lovely shade called Metropolitan AF-690. A rich chalky, grey, it's close to the color on all the perimeter walls here in the showroom.  Shown below, see it woven into this colorful rug. It looks great with black and white, primaries or jewel tones too.   

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Making History

January 26, 2019


The evolution of design continues to shape the world we live in, especially as the meaning of the word contemporary changes, reflecting the constantly  fluctuating status of what is "au courant" or current.

 Therein lies the challenge of running a company devoted to contemporary design and products, addressing the way people live in this modern age, and the values that drive their choices.

When we began over 40 years ago, bringing contemporary design to Denver, all eyes were on Scandinavia, a forerunner in the world looking for easy solutions to maximizing space and living efficiently. Enter the Italians who diffused the following era with luxury- new colors, new finishes, new materials.

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Defined by How We Live?

February 06, 2018

How do humans define themselves? Outwardly, that is? That's the question pop-culture mavins have been asking for decades. It's what drives the fashion, furniture, and home furnishings industry around the clock. Personally, I like to think of us Americans as either traditionalists or rule breakers; the latter referring to those of us who love change, and new designs, as well as modern and Pistioa Table from ZOLi Contemporary Living

contemporary furniture.

Wherever your tastes fall, one can only wonder how the consumer chooses from all the options  offered today from various dealers of modern and contemporary goods, and all those other guys who sell absolutely everything, every style, every era.  So much to look at, so many choices. It's dazzling. It's precisely why we specialize, and strive to sell only the most beautiful and the very best created by contemporary designers in EuropeALVOR Bed By ZOLi Contemporary Living

redefining the way we live now.

 Fashion is a fickle thing; it evolves. But some things stay true, like proper proportion, line and good design. Over the decades we've come to admire the masters who create the things with staying power; furniture that somehow never goes out of style.  Museums are full of them. They're there for a reason. And it's why we've curated a collection that we think reflects those values and why we've invested in a brick and mortar location to allow the consumer to experience the same things for themselves.  A place to wander, muse and dream.

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Happy New Year

December 21, 2017

It's the start of a new year and we're cheering for you! Get organized, get inspired and motivated. Take a look at your living room.


Couldn't it use a lift?  We're ready to help you take it up a notch! If you haven't been in lately, you need to stop by to see just what we mean.

 We're leading the way when it comes to redefining contemporary in Denver. Like a fresh wind bringing new ideas and inspiration, we think we've got just what it takes to make your home more beautiful than ever, from floor to ceiling! Come experience the power of our stunning

ZOLi Contemporary Living

new flooring, the bevy of bold colors on our walls, and the magic of big screen projection where you can watch our amazing collection of videos made by our producers. (See the craft and  the art behind the creations, nearly big as life.)

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Modern VS. Contemporary

October 19, 2017

Mies Vander Rohe, Wassily Kandinsky, Isamu Noguchi. Do these names have anything in common?

Isamu Noguchi Table

            You bet they do. Each one can be remembered by their unique furniture designs that helped shape and define an era. "Modernism," also known as Mid-Century, or Post-War Modern.

            For every one of us who loves the lean, spacious and inviting effect of a modernist interior, it might help to know that there's actually a difference in

Matera Table

definition between the terms contemporary and modern. To the average Joe, they might seem to be the same idea, but in fact, in the furniture world, they're not at all.  Contemporary design is all about the present; the ever-evolving moment,

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Welcome to ZOLi Contemporary Living!

September 11, 2017


Yes, you're at the right site.

            Looks different? Stay put. We used to have a different name.

            It's been a long road home but that's just how it feels as we return to our roots and welcome old and new customers to our invigorated, newly branded collection, ZOLi Contemporary Living.  Not that we really went anywhere; we've simply ended a long time relationship with a European brand. They left. We're still here.

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Blog, News & Events

August 22, 2017

Each week our staff at ZOLi Contemporary Living has news to share with you. From the latest trends in the design industry to our favorite residential installation, to news from Europe or simply down the street, we hope to keep you in the loop.

Our in-house staff blogger, Corinne Joy Brown, is an award-winning published author, editor and writer, and frequent contributor to Architecture & Design of the West, Southwest Art, and Western Art & Design.

She's also a trained interior designer with 30 years of experience. She hopes you’ll enjoy her particular view of the design world, as well as news from our buying trips and in-store events. Sometimes we’ll offer a manufacturer's biography; on other occasions, we’ll walk you through our new arrivals and the background of the exciting pieces on our showroom floor.

Sometimes we’ll just look into the past and share some enlightening history on the evolution of a style, an object, or whatever seems worth exploring. We’re also here to answer your questions. We hope you’ll join the conversation by writing to us.

Drop in as you have time and become part of the family of friends who have built Zoli Contemporary Living, formerly Roche Bobois/International Design.  We'd love to hear from you.

Denver’s premiere European imported modern furniture gallery serving the Front Range for over 40 years!